Friday, February 02, 2007

First week of classes...

Well, the first week of classes is officially over and I think I will survive! I am taking three classes which I have on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday so that means I have Mondays and Wednesdays off! The way classes work here is much different than what I am used to, because each class only meets once a week for three hours and your grade is typically based off only two assignments. My math and engineering class should be very easy for me, but my American Literature class will be a different story. I am not used to having to read a novel a week in my math classes and to make it worse, I did not recognize a single book title in the course! I must say though that this professor is the most energetic/crazy/drug induced one I have ever had. At the first class he proceeded to read the module guide by screaming every other word and then continuing to lecture while giggling at himself the whole time as well as making a farting noise with his hands as he paced the room! Luckily, there is a girl from Northern Arizona University in the class with me, so hopefully we can brave the madness together! On Fridays mornings I have to the Telford Campus (a couple of towns over, about an hour by bus) for my engineering class. Well today I managed to spend more time on the bus than in a class room! When I arrive to the class, the professor was running late and proceeded to only read the module guide and excuse us. In any other place I would have been thrilled, but not when it takes you an hour to get there and you have to wait an hour for the next bus! Anyways, after the first week of classes I am feeling optimistic.

As far as the rest of my life goes, I am doing very well. Mom and Dad surprised me yesterday by purchasing a "Slingbox", which is a device that hooks to their cable in Memphis and allows me to watch it via the internet here in England. It really is amazing! When I arrived, I thought that there would be a place to relax and watch TV with the people on my floor, but I was sadly mistaken. With all the free time in my schedule I was finding my self watching the same DVD's over and over again, so the Slingbox is really allows me something to break up my day, which I am sooo thankful for! I will also allow me to watch the Superbowl on Sunday even though it will not start till 12:30 here! (Good thing I don't have classes on Mondays)

Tomorrow we are making a day trip to Birmingham for the first time with some of the other international students, which should be a good day. It is only about 40 minutes by train/metro and is pretty easy city to get around from what we have heard. Next weekend Sarah, Heather and I are making a trip to Nottingham to visit the home of Robin Hood! I am sure I will post again before then though.

Anyways, I need to go make some dinner for myself before we head out for the evening. Please feel free to post a comment on here (you do not need to register, just choose "other") or shoot me an email. I will try to get some new pictures up in the next week, including some of my room and dorm. Lastly, here is a nice website if you are interested in seeing what is in Wolverhampton and some information about it...


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